0 3 yrs

The Higginsreport has been handcuffed by the speak police at Youtube for too long. The HIGGINSREPORT will now be free to comment and speculate on all the Bull crap spoon fed to us by the main stream media….sums-a-bitches!

The Higginsreport is a response to fake news. Mike Higgins (me) founded the HIGGINSREPORT in response to being censored on Facebook and YouTube. “Big Tech” no longer has me muzzled, I don’t have to play nice anymore. Over all I’m a nice person, I just ignore the voices.

I have reasons to believe the Higginsreport has been shadow banned on Youtube/Google. I recently had to over-haul higginsreport.com due to indexing exclusion on Google.com

Another HIGGINSREPORT affliate bidelliesmatter.org is still on temporary hiatus as of this writing due to being black balled.

Can I prove all of these statements and 100% factual. No, and I won’t have some random fact-checker flag these statements as BS. You can use your own BS filter and decide for yourself if my statements ring true.