Looks like Sleepy Joe has figured it out! The recent national crime wave is simply a matter of the guns. If we could just seize all the guns then Democrats could finally not just defund but eliminate the Police. Many believe criminals would no longer commit crimes if they didn’t have a gun.
The democrats might be on to something here…criminals can only commit crimes by breaking the law. If many of these unfair laws were eradicated then these acts could no longer be considered a crime. Similar logic is applied to illegal aliens. They are really just “undocumented”. Don’t say illegal, that’s hurtful.
Democrats have a real chance of reducing crime by turned a blind eye. Less police means less enforcement. It would be quite a savings to just eliminate the laws, this would make enforcement irrelevant.
Law and order hardly seems to fair when there are so many people who don’t like following rules. These people often feel dejected when arrested. Mullet babies everywhere are entitled to whatever they want. Stimulus checks aren’t enough to live on and you can’t expect people to get a job – that’s not fair.
Biden says he supports the 2nd Amendment. Ammunition was never guaranteed in the constitution. Triggers were also never specifically mention in the constitution. Sleepy Joe really just has a problem with 100 round revolvers. He would be fine with Guns as long as all Deer are provided a tax payer funded Kevlar vest. Joe is a centrist.
Of course, this is all ridiculous…just like Sleepy Joe and Commie Harris. Shoplifting has already been decriminalized in some areas. Free stuff…it’s about time!