Vaccine mandates are just the beginning…

Sleepy Joe Biden needs to take a mandatory cognitive test. Of course, the test would need to be administered publicly to ensure the integrity of the results. If Sleepy Joe refuses the test he voluntarily removes himself from office. Again, the test needs to be administered publicly. Sleepy Joe is a public servant and needs to establish publicly he is fit for office.

In all fairness, Sleepy Creepy Joe shouldn’t be singled out. The full congress should also publicly be required to participate in an annual cognitive test.

We entrust these individuals with great power. Their actions determine world events. They make laws that affect generations of people. The President, alone, simply by executive order, can create situations that can impact the entire population. No checks, no balances.

Many of these politicians are obviously idiots. With many it’s not simply a matter of cognitive decline. Even in their peak mental acuity, they are deficient. Of course, mental acuity is relative. They can’t be compared to each other if the majority are obviously below average. This furthers the argument these “mandatory” annual cognitive tests be administered publicly.

Why make these tests Mandatory? Public Safety. Should a mentally deficient person be permitted to be in a position where he, she, or they can alter the course of this great nation? We are in a pandemic! A pandemic of stupidity. Stupidity is very contagious. Stupidity has swept through the entire Democratic party. It has also spread in to parts of the Republican Party. No one is immune. The science tells us that those at most risk are politicians. There aren’t any approved treatments for Stupidity at this time. The focus needs to be on identifying the Stupid with these proposed cognitive tests and removing those infected with Stupidity from office. We can’t simply rely on the ability to vote these morons from office. They are firmly entrenched. They protect their own. Once in office, as long as they tow the party line, they will be provided all the money they will ever need to remain in office indefinitely. To think otherwise, is just STUPID! Wake up people, don’t let yourself become infected with this stupidity!

Mandatory vaccines? If people can be mandated on their personal medical decisions, then there is no problem mandating cognitive testing for public servants….no, I really mean it, not joking, C’Mon man! I’m serious…